Dental Sleep Medicine for Sleep Apnea
Patients often ask why we ask them about their sleep habits, their overall sleepiness, and energy levels. Our answer is simple; a dentist can save a life by detecting an airway problem. Dentists are the only health care providers genuinely examining that area of a person’s body two or more times a year, aren’t they? Find a dentist in Yuma AZ who not only assesses the health of your gum, teeth, and soft tissues, but a dentist who has been trained and is knowledgeable on your airway and any obstructions to your overall sleep habits.
Do You Snore?
Do you snore? BETTER QUESTION, Does your partner snore? Does he or she keep you awake at night? We can get your partner and YOU a better night’s sleep. How? There are several treatment options for sleep apnea. One of the options is the oral appliance. Also called Jaw Advancing Device (JAD) or Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), these sleep apnea mouthpieces are custom-made by dentists using a plastic-like mold to form to the specific shape of the patient’s teeth and mouth. Not only do they work against sleep apnea, but they are also useful to stop snoring. Learn about same day crowns (CEREC).